Windshire Character
What is Windshire
Windshire is a systemic open-world action-adventure RPG where the player takes on the daunting task of taking back camps seized by Orcs.

With a completely interactable world, this task becomes an exhilarating and enchanting journey through a great variety of quests throughout the game.
Windshire Character
Windshire Assets
Game Features
Windshire exists to produce a unique and enjoyable game experience with its hand-crafted systems, unique gameplay loops, extraordinary weapon skills, advanced AI, and distinctive quests.

All of these features, alongside wondrous art styles and striking music, will form Windshire’s complete systemic world. These will ensure that all players will get to explore the grand world while enjoying a fun, immersive experience that’s unique and personal to each individual.
Windshire Book
You can’t rush good wine. We are still in the works for creating the best storyline for you. Coming real soon!
Windshire Book
Latest Update
Jun 3, 2022 ()
Today's Video: So I basically pressed a button that made my DREAM game become Multiplayer. Added some cool combat stuff and had some fun.
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