Who We Are and What We Do
Hyve Icon
Hyve is the dedicated indie game development team behind Windshire.

We are a team of 5 people working together during our free time to bring our visions to life. Collectively, we constantly brainstorm ideas and plans to further elevate the project and deliver a world that invites you to enjoy and explore your very own Windshire adventure.

We are very excited to share all of this with you.
Meet the Team!
Danyil (Zoop)
Team Leader, Systemic Programmer, Video Editor
Danyil is the head of development on Windshire and Hyve. He focuses on making sure the team is on track, directs the team, and aids where the team needs help. In addition, he oversees all of the development of Windshire. Not only handling the team side of development, Danyil writes, edits, and voices all of the devlogs located on the Hyve YouTube channel.
Miles (IToastPotatoes)
Miles produces the custom animations for Windshire, bringing personality and appeal to the characters that are created by the rest of the team. He made the transition from 2D animation to 3D animation 3 years ago, and now works primarily in Blender, using the rigs which Danyil so kindly puts together.
Dennis (FuelledByCaffeine)
Web Developer
Dennis created and manages this website, performing content updates and making sure the web server is happily ticking away and up to date.